Jeff Vanderstelt on The Dealing With Criticism, Navigating Toxic Church Culture, The Crisis of Discipleship, and Dallas Willard’s Last Unanswered Question

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Discipleship lies at the heart of the Christian journey, yet it often becomes compartmentalized within separate ministries or aspects of the Christian faith. Jeff Vanderstelt, with years of experience leading others in the way of Jesus and equipping the broader church through his writings, is now dedicated to mentoring pastors and leaders in gospel fluency and missional living. In this insightful discussion, Jason and Jeff delve into the significance of maintaining an open-handed approach to those entrusted to pastors' care, navigating critical voices, and the profound impact of Dallas Willard's last unanswered question. Jeff candidly shares his personal leadership journey within a fractured church, reflecting on how God's intervention brought healing to his own brokenness amid numerous challenges.  We trust that you'll find inspiration in this conversation between Jeff and Jason, and we invite you to share any thoughts or reflections on how it may have impacted you with us.

Jeff Vanderstelt

As the Executive Director of Saturate and founding leader of the Soma Family of Churches, Jeff Vanderstelt gets to spend his days doing what he loves – mentoring leaders and equipping the Church in the gospel and missional living. Additionally, Jeff is on the leadership team of Saturate the Sound, a local church collective focused on gospel saturation in the Puget Sound. Jeff has authored Saturate, Gospel Fluency, and Making Space.

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