John’s Story: How a Pastor’s Journey to Health Transformed Him and His Family

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In 2020, John Lamos sat down next to his wife Jesse after a long day at the church, and she expressed with great fatigue and honesty: “John, if this is what ministry is like, I can’t keep doing this.” John was leading on reserves at the time — he knew it and so did his family. He was lonely, restless and well into a trajectory towards complete burnout. He’d be the first to tell you his own discipleship was lacking and he couldn’t even find himself in his own vision of what it meant to be a pastor. The picture was a pastor at the end of himself, and his family following right behind him. But today, John, Jesse and their three kids are more alive in Jesus and His call than ever before. What happened in-between? This is John’s story.

John Lamos

John Lamos is the Senior Pastor of Lighthouse Church on Grand Manan, a small island off the coast of New Brunswick. He is married to Jessie and has three kids, Adaline, Olive, and Samuel. John was a participant in the CCLN Incubator program.

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