Ken Shigematsu on Seeking to Bless Those We Envy, Practicing Confession as a Pastor & How We Can Survive Shame

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Into a revolving door of senior pastors, Ken Shigematsu arrived to lead a struggling community in Vancouver, BC by the name of Tenth Church in 1996. After over two decades, Ken is still at the helm, having led Tenth to become one of the largest and most diverse city centre churches in Canada. But you’ll notice, Ken doesn’t exude an ambitious, pioneering spirit that you might attach to a story like that. He’s more of a soft-spoken, wise contemplative who is seeking to see the Kingdom come in and through his life. In this conversation, Jason and Ken chat largely about themes from his new book Now I Become Myself - touching on emotions that can be destructive for pastors like envy and shame. We hope this conversation gives you a vision for how Jesus wants to meet you in and beyond those very feelings.

Ken Shigematsu

Ken Shigematsu is the Senior Pastor of Tenth Church in Vancouver, BC, one of the largest and most diverse city-center churches in Canada. He is a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Medal awarded to Canadians in recognition for their outstanding contribution to the country. Before entering pastoral ministry, he worked for the Sony Corporation in Tokyo. Ken is the author of the award-winning bestsellers ‘God in My Everything’ and ‘Survival Guide for the Soul.’ Ken lives in Vancouver with his wife, Sakiko, and their son, Joey.

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