Ebonie Davis on Nurturing Gritty Faith, Four Spiritual Practices for the Next-Generation & Being a Student of Those You Lead

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No matter where you fall on your church's organizational chart, we believe that this conversation with Ebonie around thoughtful discipleship in the youth space will serve you. In their time together, Ebonie and Jason explore how the church can play a vital role in nurturing a Jesus-centered joy among young people. They also touch on topics like contextual spiritual formation for the next-generation and adopting a “whole church” vision for youth discipleship within a community. Ebonie also courageously shares her deeply moving and inspirational journey of discovering Jesus. We hope you enjoy the conversation with the joy-exuding Ebonie Davis.

Ebonie Davis

Ebonie Davis is a founding member of the Arbor Research Group and an expert in qualitative research and program evaluation. She is a graduate of the DeVos Urban Leadership Institute, where she focused on Urban Youth Ministry, and holds a Master’s degree in Student Leadership from Huntington University. Ebonie is an international conference speaker and co-author of the book Disrupting Teens with Joy: Helping Teens Discover Jesus-Focused Gritty Faith, as well as a contributor on other books, Bibles, articles, and research related to youth ministry. She has served as Associate Pastor of Youth at Trinity Baptist Church in Waldorf, MD for more than 15 years. She and her husband, Clay, live in the DC area, and they have two adult children.

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